
Ticketing task

Made Easy

You are one click away from delivering

a quicker solution to your customers.

If you have any question Contact Us

Discover the Ultimate

Ticketing Software

The technology you need to provide a seamless customer experience, anytime, anywhere. Get in control, let your customers experience our fast and effective solutions. Interact with them through our direct messaging chat.




Ticketing Solution


The Ultimate Ticketing Solution for Customer Service

  • scan QR code image the QR Code
  • submit tickit image Submit the Ticket
  • automate conversation imageAutomate Conversations

Get Closer to

Your Customers

Get Closer to

Your Customers

Interact with your customers through our direct messaging chat.

Stay in Control

stay in control image

Stay in Control

  • Manage and track the progress of the tickets and their completion (due, overdue and closed).
  • Assign the Tick-It to your preferred agent.

Track Tickit Age

 track tickit age image

Track Tickit Age

  • Save time and money by switching from call centers to a one affordable software. More control, more efficiency.
  • Follow day-to-day activities and measure your team’s performance.

Quick and dependable

quick dependable image

Quick And Dependable

  • Your customers are one click away from the solution they need.
  • Find the Tick-It that you’re looking for easily by using filters( by agent, customer or date).

Improve Customer Satisfaction

customer satisfaction image

Provide your customers with the ultimate

ticketing solution that can help you deliver faster

and more innovative replies.

Here is a glimpse of your customer’s journey:

  • Scan the QR code and submit a ticket.
  • Avoid long call waiting times and get on a quick chat.
  • Follow up on the ticket progress.